Sunday, November 14, 2010

What is the highest praise to God?

For years we have heard that HALLELUJAH is the highest praise. After coming through the bible, I was unable to find evidence as this being truth. I found the word 'alleluia' only referenced in the bible four times. And they were all in Revelations.

Rev 19: 1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

Rev 19: 3 And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.

Rev 19:4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

Rev 19: 6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
It comes from the greek word halal which means to praise or glorify.

BUT, in Nehemiah it says Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever and ever: and blessed be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.

The glorious name is Jesus. If Jesus is the glorious name that is to be exalted about all other blessings and praise, this means JESUS is the highest praise.

For Colored Girls, pt 1

Five things you need to know about Tyler Perry's For Colored Girls:

  1. It's based off a book of poems.
  2. It's not for entertainment.
  3. It's truth.
  4. It's not against men.
  5. It's a mirror for 'some' women.


I know my destiny. It's overwhelming. It's so much work. I am going to be tired. I am going to be tested. It takes a lot of study. It takes patience. It takes trusting people. It takes learning new ways of communication. It takes me getting out of the way and allowing God to speak, live, love, and teach through me. I am ready on purpose.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lessons about relationships

Church on Sunday was extremely educational. So much so I have discussed the details with anyone who would listen. Because the information was so relevant, I am including it in my blog today. I make no claims to any of this information.

Disclaimer: Any of these characterizations of men and women can be interchangeable. For instance, a woman can go into a cave.

When issues arise, men compartmentalize (put in a box) situations and issues.
  • If a man's manhood is challenged (perceived or real and a woman uses her woman card (I know he wont hit me), the man must redefine what manhood is. He must learn to RUN away.
Without the correct definition of what a man is, he may respond in the wrong way when challenged. No matter if provoked, the response is still wrong if its harmful (verbal or physical or emotionally)

No one should be provoked to wrath
    • Women should not follow him to make him deal with it (this provokes the man)
    • Men should not leave the issue in the box (this provokes the woman)
Think about this: When was the last time a woman has ever seen another man confront her man, block him from leaving a room, or step to his face to yell, scream, or fight? Men do not challenge other men. Likewise, a woman should never put herself in the position of a man to control, challenge, or provoke her man. This will cause him to either redefine what being a man is (not being physical) or react in a verbal or physical manner.


Women want to work until resolution or an action plan is in place. Women want to know WAWGTD (what are we going to do). Not knowing the answer to this affects a woman emotions, health, and sex life.

 The way a man interprets love, his primary needs, and his motivations are via respect.
  • If a man does not feel respected, a negative energy of shame overcomes him.
  • When a man feels shame, his thoughts are centered around 'something is wrong with me'.
    • Men deal with shame through suppression, ignoring the issue, denying the issue, anger, or isolation
The way a woman interprets love, her primary needs, and her motivations are via security.
  • If a woman does not feel loved, a negative energy of fear overcomes her.
  • When a woman becomes fearful, she attempts to take control of the situation.
When issues arise in a relationship, they should be handled in like manner:

Issue ----> Dialogue for resolution ---->Action plan

If there is a disagreement:
Option #1:
Issue ----> Disagreement ----> PAIN ----> Gain self control
  • When a situation becomes a disagreement, pain is revealed
    • the pain is not related to the current disagreement
    • the pain appears because past circumstances have proven a person cannot be trusted to resolve or follow through
Option #2:
Issue ----> Disagreement ----> PAIN ----> Cave ----> Gain self control


  • When men do not want to deal with pain (fear or disrespect), they retreat to the cave to gain self control
    • The cave can be food, internet, the gym, tv, alcohol, drugs, etc
      • If a man stays in the cave too long, it can result is addiction or affairs
  • When a man wants to excuse himself to gain self control LET HIM. Never attempt to force a man to deal with an issue
  • When a woman follows a man into the cave it is because he has a track record of returning from the cave with the issue still in a box. In order for a man to be respected to retreat to the cave he must have a track record of returning to the situation ready for dialogue for resolution and the creating an action plan.
  • The woman's fear is increased while he is in the cave because she is still dealing with the issue.

A silent man gives place to the enemy to work in the woman's life
  • Adam was silent when Eve ate the fruit
Allow your spouse to disagree with you. It is better to hear criticism from your spouse than an outside party.

It is never good enough for anyone to say I GOT THIS. There must be an action plan on how resolution will be reached. This will help the woman respect the man and the man love the woman.


I Peter 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Analogy: If men and women are boats, her boat is the weaker vessel. This mean she is not created to carry (physically, emotionally, etc) as big a load as her male counterpart.

When a woman becomes afraid an issue will not be resolved, she attempts to take control. If her vessel is not meant to carry the load, it will affect her emotionally, sexually, and physically. She will stay sick and always in pain (because her boat is not meant to carry such a load).

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

When issues arise and there is a disagreement, the man and woman should think on any positive attributes related to their spouse. They must find at least one honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, or anything worthy of praising them prior to going to discuss a situation. This will keep them in the right frame of man during the conversation.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Randomness v1

Sometimes I wonder if people really care. I mean, go to any church. There can be thousands of people there or just a few. No matter the number, we all say we love God. We all say without Him we couldnt make it. Some of us church so much we have our own language. We say things like:
  • slain
  • abba
  • shondo
  • hiya
  • mercibocuyeslord
  • didnt our hearts just burn
Truthfully, I know heart burn and it's not a good thing.

Anyway, back to my original point. I often wonder if the people sitting beside me have a fear of  hell as I do. I fear hell. I am not afraid to say it. As much craziness as I do, say, and watch on TV, I fear hell. I wonder if the people sitting around me live their life with a good healthy fear of going to hell. I wonder if they consider the consequences of hell in their words and actions.

Lets break this down:

Every weekend millions of people go to church. Millions of people testify about the goodness of God. Millions of people take communion. Millions have Mass. Millions pray Hail Mary. Thousands run up and down the aisle praising God for His goodness. Millions pray for God to move in their lives, families, workplaces, and even the world. I mean MILLIONS each and every weekend.

Yet. When I turn on the television, computer, and even the radio, what I hear and see does not line up with our weekend activities. I mean. Well. Let me say this. If anyone is offended by this I truly don't care. These are my thoughts. Now. This is what I don't get. How can a person partake in such spiritual and anointed weekend activities, pray, praise, believe, ask, receive, etc and then take no shame in sin? Now, some may ask 'what is sin'. I believe sin is anything that 'could' separate us from God. Not the love of God. But God. God will love us in spite of our situations but He does not love what we DO.

I dont get how a person can on one day sing the praises of God. Scream hallelujah and praise the Lord and then turn around and cuss like they never knew right from wrong. How does that happen? Does it happen because there is no real fear of God?

Okay, let me try another one. How can we do our weekend activities and have routine sex with a person we are not married to?

No, what about this one... How can we do our weekend activities and constantly backstab the people around us?

I mean, I am just thinking to myself....I laugh a lot. I say funny stuff. In all I do, it is NEVER my desire to hurt another person. It is never my desire to live in a way to discourage another. It is never my desire to see the kingdom suffer. I make mistakes. I don't study my bible as much as I should. I procrastinate about so much. I know I watch too much television and truly am on the internet too much. These are the things I am yet battling. We all have battles and we all have troubles and struggles. But my question is..when is it too much? When do our struggles and battles become to great they start to identify us? What separates us from the world? I mean, if someone needed prayer, can they look our our lifestyle and believe we are a person who believe and practice our belief and trust in God?

My heart hurts for God's people. I truly do not believe God ask for much from us. He wants us to love each other and love Him. He wants us to live holy and separate from sin. Why do we struggle with this so much when we know the consequences?

Philippians 2:12 says Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

This indicates it takes work for us to live holy. Just as with a job, we dont get it right unless we practice it. If we only go to church as a routine or tradition, but do not use it as a manual or guide for our life, what are we really living? Well. I will keep posting until He gives me some do otherwise...or some answers...

Just thoughts..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I see you.

When I see you I hurt. Not because you are ugly to me but because you are ugly to yourself. I hurt because your heart hurts. Not because it is diseased but because you welcomed people into the sacredness of your heart and they didn't cherish their presence there. I hurt because your eyes are tired. Not from enjoying a full day of laughs but from suffering through a full night of ridicule and judgement. I hurt because your muscles are tight and pained. Not from a great workout but from stress, tension, and yes, even a hit or two. Yes, I see beyond the forced smile. I see beyond the lies about your great weekend. I see beyond the excuses of you being too busy to enjoy a girls night out. I see beyond this mental escape you have created for yourself. I see beyond you. Stop. Take a moment and see what I see. See you walking into a place of peace. See your home being your sanctuary, not your prison. See your eyes being filled with tears because of the overwhelming amount of love cast in your direction, not because of the overwhelming desire to please someone not interested in being pleased by you. See your body being relaxed enough to curl up on the couch to enjoy a program you want to see, not tense from sitting through yet another episode of something you don't understand.

Look in my mirror. Look at what the world sees. Look at what your children see. Look at what your students, cousins, and yes, even your parents see. The mirror is speaking back to you today. What is this mirror saying? Listen for it. Don't run away because it is painful. Pain got you to this point and yes, pain will give you the strength to get out. You need to hear this. Are you ready? Take a deep breath. Here we go. Here the mirror speak these words to you..

You are beautiful. You are worthy to be loved, cared for, and respected. You are beautifully made. Every hair on your head was created by a wonderful Creator who loves you and desires nothing more than for you to be happy. You are strong. You are a survivor. You are independent. You can make it. You are able. You are loved. You are ENOUGH.

The mirror will continue speaking love into your life as long as you are willing to listen. The decision is yours. Will you trust yourself? Will you believe in yourself?

We are waiting for you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lessons from below

Can you imagine being stuck in a place for 69 days? Not knowing when you were going to be freed? Not knowing if the technology would work in time? Can you imagine having to depend on strangers for your every breath? Imagine being in this dungeon with your co-workers? You may or may not even like them. Of course, this is a small portion of the story of the miners in Chile.

Time line of the callapse (with thoughts to ponder):
  • August 5th- mine collapse
  • August 8th - works start digging holes trying to find the miners
    • Imagine being in such a dark place in your life people don't even know how to reach you.
  • August 22nd - rescue workers hear tapping below
    • Over 2 weeks after the mine collapsed, the miners hear their first signs of rescue. Would you have given up? Would you have even been listening for the sign of life?
  • August 23rd - workers send down food. Miners are told it could be months before they are brought up.
    • How do you respond when you are in a dark place and your earliest breakthrough is months away? How do you decide on who is going to eat? How do you keep smiling and having faith when there is nothing between you and the rock? What happens when you realize your hardplace is the rock?
  • September 17th - the drill reaches the miners
    • Can you be still knowing God is making a way for you? Can you trust God when you can't see His method of escape? What if you are the one making the rescue? How do you keep your hope and faith alive knowing there are 33 people and thousands of family members depending on you? How do you continue the slow pace that you know works and not cut corners to speed up the process? Can you keep working for someone elses deliverance even when you are tired, hungry, hurting, and seeing no results?
  • October 9th - the escape shaft is complete
    • What happens when you finally see your means of escape but realize there is still work to do? What happens when you can see, smell, and hear the voices of life but yet, they are still so far away?
  • October 12-13th - miners are brought to safety
    • What do you say to people who have spent millions for you to survive? What do you say to the one responsible for your captivity? Can you forgive? Do you hold a evil thoughts? What do you say to your family who have stopped their lives awaiting your return from below?
  • October 13th - the rescue workers are brought to safety
    • How does it feel knowing all the work you've done to help someone else live will bring them glory, but people may never know your name? What demeanor must you have when you arrive back to life above ground and the flags are no longer waving welcoming you?
The answers to these questions reveal the good, bad, and ugly of who we are. But overall, what is the lesson? How do we apply a situation that happened across the world to our personal situation?

  • Never give up on yourself.
  • Never give up on God.
  • When darkness is surrounding you, trust God for your deliverance.
  • When you escape your bondage, leave bitterness, regret, and blame behind.
  • When you are helping someone else try to find their way back to light and life, be patient.
  • When one method of escape doesn't work, don't lose heart, try another method.
  • It's okay for people to never know your name. God knows your name and your heart.
  • Share the lessons of your experience with others. What you know may help another avoid a collapse in their life.
BIGGEST LESSON: Your bondage doesn't have to be a collapsed mine. It can be a collapsed job, relationship, loan, health, or even decision making. DIG YOUR WAY BACK TO THE LIGHT!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oprah and the 30yr old virgins

Last week on Oprah, there were a few ladies over the age of 30 complaining they were still a virgin. At first thought, I am angry. When did being a virgin become a bad thing? Where have we come in society that single women are upset they have never had sex? What have we done to young women to make them even consider something is wrong with them if they haven't had sex at a certain age?

I found myself a bit annoyed at single women who believe they are defined by their sex life, or lack thereof. Now, let me go back. It is not normal for a PERSON over the age of thirty to be a virgin. Not because people should have sex just to get it over with but often we associate sex with being in love.

Thus, my concern changes regarding the women in this show. I am not concentrating on their lack of sex but their lack of love.

SIDE NOTE: I am not endorsing having sex with a person just because you love them. Sex SHOULD be within the confines of marriage.

When I am introduced to someone who has been on this earth for over twenty five years and have never fallen in love, I need to ask questions.

  • What is your definition of love?
  • What do you think love feels like?
  • Have you ever been loved?
  • When you think of falling in love with someone, what words come to mind first?
  • When you hear the words I LOVE YOU, what do you think?
  • Is love a weakness or a strength?
  • Is it possible to love someone knowing 'falling in love' is not an option?
While the questions may seem irrelevant to why people haven't fallen in love, the answers provide great insight. A person who associates falling in love as a weakness will avoid even the thought of falling in love. They believe they are too strong, too secure, and too independent to be a follower or submitted to a man. People who have been in abusive relationships (including family) or seen abuse in their homes may associate love with pain. It is difficult for a person who has watched people who say they love each other hurt each other. After seeing so much negatively associated with love, it is easy to understand why falling in love is not high on their priority list...and why it is something they attempt to avoid.

So, as I watched this show, my heart went out to these ladies. Not because they had never had sex but because they had not experienced love to the extent they thought sex was something to look forward to. My heart goes out to them because they have an emotional block hindering their path to being loved, protected, held, and admired. In truth, the show is not about thirty-something virgins. The show is about overcoming past hurt on the path of healing that leads to loving oneself. Those women will not find love in sex. They will not find sex in love.

In truth, it is possible to find more hurt in sex than love. Now, because I am a woman, I can only speak from the point of view of women....and what I know spiritually. Women are receptors. Our bodies are created to receive entry from another. Once we have received, life does not continue as normal after the encounter. Our souls hold on to the spirit released upon/in us. Days, months, and years later, we will continue to have a part of our partner in us. The more partners we have, the more 'parts' are present in us. We must be careful who we allow IN our lives because their presence does not leave when they leave us. If we allow random parts IN us, our minds and body will become confused on which parts are supposed to be there and which are not. This is the reason we are designed to wait for marriage before sex. If we wait for marriage, our past parts will not have to compete with our present and forever part.

SIDE NOTE: There is a method of releasing unwanted parts. We will discuss in a future blog.

So, what did I learn from this show? Be who you are. Heal from your past hurts, pains, and disappointments. Never allow people to define or guide you in a path not meant for you to travel. And the biggest lesson: Never become a public comedy show while in private pain.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What are you appraised for?

I often read posts and blogs of women discussing their failed relationships. They are often upset a man has 'used' them and 'left' them. They lament of their loss. They consider list all they gave and cry about they did not receive. No matter the situation, their stories are often the same. Cookie-cutter. Classic. Repeated. Familiar.

Rarely have I seen such a post from men. Yes, I have heard stories of such post and stories. I have even had a few guys call to discuss their woes. Even in their pain, there is still a woman's story hidden beneath the layers.

At the core of these situations, I have found one thing to be true.

Lesson: Men know their value. Woman are waiting to be appraised.

Practice quiz: Locate a successful man. He does not have to be making a certain amount or living a certain way; however, he must be employed, mentally stable, good family relationships, and has a good circle of liked-minded friends. When you find this man ask him one question: When was the last time you lowered your standards for a woman?

The majority of men will scuff at such a comment. It is because men understand how to hold, play and deal the cards in their relationship. They know what they have and how to use what they have to get what they want. They understand their power. They understand what is inside of them. They also understand in order to obtain a similar equally yoked specimen of the opposite sex, they must show themselves valuable.

Some women, on the other hand, allow ourselves to be defined by someone else. We change our language, way of life, the foods we eat, the places we go, the people we are around, and even our character to match that of a man. We allow ourselves to be objectified, used, and even abused to avoid being alone. As if the presence of a male in our home increases our appraised value. Our value increases when we are in relationships and just as a car when it leaves the dealership, a used sign is displayed when new ownership takes over.

What can we learn from this?

Never let anyone determine your value. Know your value and it will change your company.

Disclaimer before asking for my donation

Before you ask me to give you money for anything, please read this entire blog.

During the month of September, I worked diligently to raise money for an AIDS Walk that benefited an organization where I serve as a Board Member. AIDS is more than the cause-of-the-month for me. It is a diseased that has shaped my life. Around 1992-1993 my cousin, Wayne Taylor, told me he was positive. At the time, there was not much information about AIDS and HIV other than it was a death sentence. I have always had crazy faith and never gave into grief. I suffered emotionally when he died.

Lesson: I refuse to say a part of me died. I do not believe a part of a person can die while another part lives. Yes, we suffer but we continue to live. (revelation!)

So, when it is time for the AIDS Walk, I am very intent in ensuring I support this cause with donations, time, and support. I understand the trials and challenges of AIDS patients in getting treatment, medications, and adequate housing. Did you know landlords have evicted AIDS patients because they fear they will leave AIDS in the home after they are gone? Yes, unbelievable. Did you know most AIDS drugs cost $250 a month (on the low end) and up to $3,000? Imagine living with a disease that can cause you to be able to run a mile one day and not move the next. How can a person keep such a job. It is very difficult and many find themselves living on public assistance due to not being able to maintain attendance at a job.

SN: Wayne received his disability approval papers the day he died.

I understand the money raised during the AIDS Walk is imperative in providing for patients not able to provide for themselves. Unfortunately, many people do not place AIDS as high on the scale of noteworthy causes such as cancer and abuse. When it is time for the Komen Race for a Cure, thousands show up to donate money, put on their pink, and walk to show their support. When it time for the AIDS Walk, we pray a few hundred show up.

This year, not only did our team raise the most money (which wasn't much), I also gained a new revelation.

I give to many many causes each year. If anyone brings a good cause to my desk, I write a check or give what I have. If a kid is selling popcorn for new band uniforms, I support with a donation. If someone is raising money for their church choirs, I write a check. There are very few causes I do not support. A good portion of my income is used for donations throughout the country; however, when I went to these same people soliciting support for my AIDS Walk team, I left empty handed. Why did this happen? What do they feel it is okay to beg me for money each month/year but not feel a need to return the 'favor/donation'?

I heard many reasons:
  • I have to pay child care
  • I have a mortgage
  • My car payment is due
  • My light bill is huge this month
  • I don't have AIDS (yes, someone told me that)
  • I don't support gay people and their lifestyles (I was unaware AIDS only affected gay people)
Guess what? We all have bills and other obligations. I am sure I had a mortgage, car and electricity bill when I gave to their cause. So, in lieu of complaining about them not giving, I decided to do something about it.

My declaration: I will support those who support me. I am not buying cookies, popcorn, gift wrap paper, magazines, etc to your kids, church, sorority, etc if you do not support me and my causes. In order to receive you must give.

Lesson: Learn and grow. Give and receive.

It's been a while

Part of my 2010 goals were to blog at least once a week. So far, I only have 13 blogs here; however, I do have several on Facebook during American Idol that should make up for some lost time. But I do want to make good on my goal. I have 13 blogs here and by the end of this year, I will ensure I have at least 52. How will I get this accomplished? Happy you asked. I will blog almost everyday, if not more. There has been a lot going on in the news and I need to comment. While twitter and facebook to allow such forum for my antics, there is a word count limitation.

So, this starts the journey into my thoughts. I must warn you. Yes, I have a lot of titles. I am a wife, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, project leader and even an ordained elder. With all those titles, I am still me. Uncensored, unfiltered and at times, almost judgemental. My goal is never to hurt anyone's feelings. I only encourage readers to think for themselves.

If you feel the need to comment, please do. Most of the post will be for my benefit only. It's better to get the thoughts out of my brain so I can have room for more.

Enjoy the ride. It's sure to be bumpy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Idol v2

Okay. Night two and we are in Atlanta. A couple of things which are sure to be different from Boston: Black people and drama. I know someone is going to get arrested. Let’s see who it will be. Mary J Blige is the guest judge and Dawone Robinson is up first. I am questioning the age limit. Maybe it’s the fro or the shirt or the dancing or ….well, something isn’t right. No, it’s the pleated pants. Oh no. He is going to sing an original song. His song is called “Lady we are not together anymore”. Now we know why. Moving on. This next dude said he was good at the high notes. He got the ‘high’ part right. Keia Johnson in to save the day. Of course she is from Memphis but the colors and hair scared me. The voice made me smile. Maybe by the time she gets to Hollywood someone will donate some human hair weave.Wait, all the people who came with her and they couldn’t get enough money for human hair! I am done.

Miriam sounded good as well by I felt a Twilight spirit when she opened her month. Noel brought it home too but Tisha Holland from Riverdale, GA made me sit up. Not only did she have good human hair weave, she could sing! Who else could sing? Jermaine Sellers! I am sure some of you are saying to yourself, ‘That name sounds familiar’. You are correct. Jermaine was 4th runner up on BET Sunday Best competition the first season. He has been on Bobby Jones and a Celebration of Gospel. Check out his MySpace at Oh yeah, Jermaine represented gospel well. Thanks. Oh, and Mary said ‘anointed’.

What’s the 411? It’s not Christy Marie. She tried to sing Pat Benatar. What good can we say about her audition? I loved her style. The colors were on point and she rocked the jeans with stilettos. Who was definitely not wearing stilettos? Vanessa Wolf from Vonore, TN. After watching this country girl say she is trapped in her small town, I was happy she was wearing shoes. After the judges gave her the golden ticket, you know what happened? Clarence cried. Dang, I guess I gotta support her too. Wait. She is running away and guess what? She has no shoes on. I knew it!

What else did I know? That Jesse Hamilton should have stayed in the woods. How can you come to AI and not remember your song? And did he just have a minor breakdown? No, that’s Mary. And is he asking the judging to start the song for him? He is. Wait. He is from Anniston. I love Anniston. If you ever go, check out Top of the River. The food is on point. Wait. As if Anniston was not enough, we have Holly from Rockmart. Now, let me let you on a secret. I use to live about 5 minutes from Rockmart and what do I have to represent us? A girl dressed as a guitar. Thanks, Holly.

Lathan, who I am unable to determine male or female, leads the back of bad singers in the next segment. Mallorie breaks the cycle but Mary J is looking like ‘please, no more country!’. If you don’t believe me, look at the clip. But, forget watching Mary J. You must watch Skybos..Ski…Skii…whatever. Antonio! He cant spell his name but at least he can sing. He said it’s a package deal because he runs a Dollar Store. Ha ha ha ha ha. More funny than that was the look on Carmen’s face when she watched her BFF, Lauren, audition. Carmen knew that girl couldn’t sing. But who could sing? Brian Walker! That PO PO came on there and sung him some Superstar! But how are you going to have a bald spot and a mohawk at the same time?

So, go from a really good high moment to a really really low moment in Lamar Royal. Its like watching someone cars driving no black ice. You know its not going to wreck but you watch anyone. He actually had good but his Tourette’s Syndrome took over. Okay, he is arging with the judges and still singing. La la la la la la. That song will never be the same for me. He has killed it. He is going to get arrested. I see it coming. There they go. Security is there. I knew it! But the people clapping from the car did it!

We are in the last minutes of the show and we have General Pants..sorry, I mean Platts. He has a good message: Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. With that gold in your mouth, hat turned to the side. Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. Yep. That’s the song. How much you want to bet he will be on the finale singing this song. Sing it with me America! Pants on the ground. Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. With that gold in your mouth, hat turned to the side. Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Celebration of Gospel review (this aint church yall)

The unofficial theme for Celebration of Gospel 2010 is ‘Bringing the Sexy Back!’. The show started off with Fred Hammond. It seems he has finally accepted his hair lost and cut it off. Kelly Price came on stage and she seems to have embraced her hips because she has plenty of them. Gotta love a woman confident in whom she is. As always, Shirley Caesar blessed us with her presence for a ‘remix’ of Awesome God. After a break Steve Harvey takes the stage. It seems he is finally comfortable in his role as host and brought the ‘world’ to the church. Well, that’s not true. There isn’t a big difference anymore. Sidenote: I am getting tired of hearing Steve talk about how surprised people are he is hosting a gospel show. Why would anyone be surprised? We see hypocrites everyday. I didn’t mean that. Yes I did. No, I didn’t. That was mean. He’s not really a hypocrite. Well, is he? We will discuss later! I digress!

Back to the show. Yolanda declared she has the Victory and she was the poster child for being the sexy back to the church. I like Yolanda. She doesn’t make any excuses for who she is, what she does, or how she acts. I still don’t know if she had on a sweater or a dress but either way, it was cute. After Yolanda performed Anthony Hamilton and wife made their COG debut. Hmmmm. As the song says, Better! Speaking of better, what the heck was Bobby Jones thinking? Why was he out there with that mess on? Looked like a choir director trying to escape the bubblewrap closet. Punt intended. Now, for the most ridiculous part of the show: did anyone ever find out what the heck Y’anna Crawley had on? It’s a purple bedazzled Star Trek ensemble. I was always taught when one is ministering not to have anything distracting to ensure people don’t get caught up in things. I was caught up in those shoulder missiles on her dress.
To try to redeem the show Kelly Price and Ledisi come out to sing ‘How Great Thou Art’. Kelly was bringing the sexy back a bit too in a pant suit. It was tailored to a perfect fit. It hit wanted it needed and everything stayed in place. It seemed for a moment Ledisi didn’t do her homework on Kelly. She seemed shocked at Kelly’s vocal abilities. I refuse to call either one a beast. Sidenote: When did the church begin the label everything with a negative title. Beast, bad, sick, etc. Again, I digress.

BeBe and CeCe did not attempt to bring sexy back. Yall know CeCe is too anointed for that foolishness. Can we have a bible study? Prayer meeting? A healing service? If so, CeCe will show up. Fashion show anyone? No, call Vicki for that one. If you need a pretty good youth group you can call the next group. I cant think of their name but they are very….choreographed. What is not choreographed is Pastor Shirley. No matter how crazy the show tries to get, they ensure Pastor Shirley shows up to keep things legit. She is probably the reason the show is still on. Someone has to be praying. Speaking of praying, James Fortune encouraged us to trust God. The song is great but I got distracted by his background singers. One girl put on a sho nuff show for the cameras. I hope Tyler Perry was watching. She did her audition. They brought Fred Hammond back to remind us to wait on the Lord.

Up next is the award for performance of the show: Fantasia and her mother. Now, we all know Fantasia can sing. She starts the song by removing her shoes. Now, maybe its me but if I am going to spend that much money on some shoes, I am going to wear them. Oh, I digressed again. Well, since I started, let me finish. When will people stop straddling the fence? We all know its not as much money in gospel as R&B but I believe God will keep you when you stay in His will. Fantasia will do good in gospel with a few lessons. Lesson number one: when you wear a dress above your needs, keep both feet on the ground unless you picking them up and putting them down in a dance. Thank goodness for a good camera angle because we missed a very obscene view of her special places. Okay, moving on.

Does anyone know how old Rance Allen is? How can he still hit those notes? But, I think I have it figured it. I think one night Rance was at GE Patterson’s church singing and forgot the words. He didn’t want Bishop upset with him so he started making up weird sounds in place of the forgotten words. Everyone liked it so he kept it. Listen to him. You will see for yourself. After Rance was done, I was done. I can listen to Tye but I cannot watch Tye. I have an issue when worship must be choreographed. Now, don’t get me wrong. You want things to look right and there is a theatrical portion of music which is needed but where is the line? I fast forward.

Now, I dedicate this paragraph to Steve Harvey. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Steve has had an encounter with favor and blessings and its real to him. He went on TBN and talked to Donnie about his transforming life. He talked about how the church talks down on him and doesn’t understand his struggle. I feel him on that. Peoeple would be surprised if they knew what really went on in the lives of pastors, leaders, and public figures So, Donnie is singing ‘We fall down’. What is Steve doing? You guessed it! Steve is crying. Luke 9:62 says "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." This means once you know better and step up to do His work, if you turn your back, you are not fit to serve God. Well. Wait. Let me stop. Marvin is singing. Marvin said ‘It doesn’t matter what I did for He only sees me for who I am’. Okay, Marvin. I got you. God loves us in spite of ourselves. Although He loves us doesn’t negate our responsibility to do better once we know better. Okay, wait. Steve is crying again. He should be crying. I would be crying to. We all fall short of the glory but guess what? We get up and keep trying. I hope he remembers that during his next performance. Pray for him. Oh, and pray for those shoes his wife had one. I cant decide how I feel about them. Hmmmm.

Donald Lawrence ends the show with be reminding us to get back to Eden. Now, I have thought about that. Eden was good for a while but I need to know what part of Eden we will be going back to. I want to go pre-Eve vs Serpent Eden. You can keep that ‘post-serpent’ Eden. Okay, I am done good people. The show was good. Yolanda and sisters brought sexy back, Kelly Price reminded us she still has it, BeBe & CeCe kept it holy, Pastor Shirley took us to church, Steve didn’t cuss, and at the very end..when everything seemed okay…Steve cried again!

American Idol v1

Today is a great day. It’s the first night of American Idol. I have been waiting on this day for almost six months. So, I get ready. I put my iPhone and Blackberry far away because I need to concentrate. First up is Boston. Within the first 10 minutes we have our first crier. Come on people. MAN UP! This is not a crying game. And plus, who sounds good while singing? We get Victoria Beckham on the scene. I am a bit disturbed by the lace on her head. Did her garter get caught up or something? It just looks weird. First contestant is Janet. Janet cannot sing, keeps jumping, and apparently shrunk her shirt in the dryer because it doesn’t cover her gut. She sings some song about a pocket full of sunshine. It’s more like a pocket full of shame. Then we have Maddy. She will be known as the girl with the Down’s Syndrome siblings. Pat Ford shows up yelling about ‘Holla’. His last name is Ford but his first name aint Frankie and aint nobody ‘holla-ing’ back.

A bit later we get Mr. Jersey Shore..sorry, I mean this Italian dude who had way too much male bonding excitement. Ms. Kimono flew in and tried to make herself cry. Let me check. Wait. Wait. There it I lied. No tears. Luke came and saved the day followed by Benjamin. Andrew, however, kills the mood. For the first time ever, I regret my new TV purchase. His eyes were so big on this TV it scared me. He tried to be sarcastic but only proved why he is an unemployed musician. I was done with him until Kara said she wanted to give him a spanking? Really, Kara? This is primetime not Real Sex!

Ashley sings Alicia Keyes and gets a 3.25 on a 5 point scale. Her shoes, however, get a 5! 70s guy Tyler comes with both arms in braces trying to get a sympathy vote. Luckily he can sing because we are done with sympathy and empathy. Lisa tried to sing Vision of Love but it ended up being a Vision of Hate. They show an Asian guy who I am pretty sure was staged. I refuse to believe he is really there to sing. But, when all else fails, Mike Davis comes in and saves the day with a 3.5. He is followed by Katie, AKA Alzheimer's granddaughter. She also doesn’t need a sympathy vote because she gets the highest vote of the night with a 3.75. Joshua just sounds pretty and Boso (AKA The Nigerian) both perform pretty good. Between them was Nerberto. Not only can he not sing, he has on a sequence vest. Yes. He did. Anyway, back to Bosa. I am pretty sure he is Akeem from Zamunda and his dad is King Jaffe.

We end the show with Antwon. One look at Antwon and I saw church. They dont show him sing but he calls his own benediction at the end with a resounding YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I was ready for the rest of the contestants to help him out but I am thinking they arent COGIC. I was with Antwon. I really liked Antwon. But. It’s always a but. But, he blew it at the end. As he is leaving, he jumps into the air with a perfect split. Choir director?