Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Celebration of Gospel review (this aint church yall)

The unofficial theme for Celebration of Gospel 2010 is ‘Bringing the Sexy Back!’. The show started off with Fred Hammond. It seems he has finally accepted his hair lost and cut it off. Kelly Price came on stage and she seems to have embraced her hips because she has plenty of them. Gotta love a woman confident in whom she is. As always, Shirley Caesar blessed us with her presence for a ‘remix’ of Awesome God. After a break Steve Harvey takes the stage. It seems he is finally comfortable in his role as host and brought the ‘world’ to the church. Well, that’s not true. There isn’t a big difference anymore. Sidenote: I am getting tired of hearing Steve talk about how surprised people are he is hosting a gospel show. Why would anyone be surprised? We see hypocrites everyday. I didn’t mean that. Yes I did. No, I didn’t. That was mean. He’s not really a hypocrite. Well, is he? We will discuss later! I digress!

Back to the show. Yolanda declared she has the Victory and she was the poster child for being the sexy back to the church. I like Yolanda. She doesn’t make any excuses for who she is, what she does, or how she acts. I still don’t know if she had on a sweater or a dress but either way, it was cute. After Yolanda performed Anthony Hamilton and wife made their COG debut. Hmmmm. As the song says, Better! Speaking of better, what the heck was Bobby Jones thinking? Why was he out there with that mess on? Looked like a choir director trying to escape the bubblewrap closet. Punt intended. Now, for the most ridiculous part of the show: did anyone ever find out what the heck Y’anna Crawley had on? It’s a purple bedazzled Star Trek ensemble. I was always taught when one is ministering not to have anything distracting to ensure people don’t get caught up in things. I was caught up in those shoulder missiles on her dress.
To try to redeem the show Kelly Price and Ledisi come out to sing ‘How Great Thou Art’. Kelly was bringing the sexy back a bit too in a pant suit. It was tailored to a perfect fit. It hit wanted it needed and everything stayed in place. It seemed for a moment Ledisi didn’t do her homework on Kelly. She seemed shocked at Kelly’s vocal abilities. I refuse to call either one a beast. Sidenote: When did the church begin the label everything with a negative title. Beast, bad, sick, etc. Again, I digress.

BeBe and CeCe did not attempt to bring sexy back. Yall know CeCe is too anointed for that foolishness. Can we have a bible study? Prayer meeting? A healing service? If so, CeCe will show up. Fashion show anyone? No, call Vicki for that one. If you need a pretty good youth group you can call the next group. I cant think of their name but they are very….choreographed. What is not choreographed is Pastor Shirley. No matter how crazy the show tries to get, they ensure Pastor Shirley shows up to keep things legit. She is probably the reason the show is still on. Someone has to be praying. Speaking of praying, James Fortune encouraged us to trust God. The song is great but I got distracted by his background singers. One girl put on a sho nuff show for the cameras. I hope Tyler Perry was watching. She did her audition. They brought Fred Hammond back to remind us to wait on the Lord.

Up next is the award for performance of the show: Fantasia and her mother. Now, we all know Fantasia can sing. She starts the song by removing her shoes. Now, maybe its me but if I am going to spend that much money on some shoes, I am going to wear them. Oh, I digressed again. Well, since I started, let me finish. When will people stop straddling the fence? We all know its not as much money in gospel as R&B but I believe God will keep you when you stay in His will. Fantasia will do good in gospel with a few lessons. Lesson number one: when you wear a dress above your needs, keep both feet on the ground unless you picking them up and putting them down in a dance. Thank goodness for a good camera angle because we missed a very obscene view of her special places. Okay, moving on.

Does anyone know how old Rance Allen is? How can he still hit those notes? But, I think I have it figured it. I think one night Rance was at GE Patterson’s church singing and forgot the words. He didn’t want Bishop upset with him so he started making up weird sounds in place of the forgotten words. Everyone liked it so he kept it. Listen to him. You will see for yourself. After Rance was done, I was done. I can listen to Tye but I cannot watch Tye. I have an issue when worship must be choreographed. Now, don’t get me wrong. You want things to look right and there is a theatrical portion of music which is needed but where is the line? I fast forward.

Now, I dedicate this paragraph to Steve Harvey. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Steve has had an encounter with favor and blessings and its real to him. He went on TBN and talked to Donnie about his transforming life. He talked about how the church talks down on him and doesn’t understand his struggle. I feel him on that. Peoeple would be surprised if they knew what really went on in the lives of pastors, leaders, and public figures So, Donnie is singing ‘We fall down’. What is Steve doing? You guessed it! Steve is crying. Luke 9:62 says "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." This means once you know better and step up to do His work, if you turn your back, you are not fit to serve God. Well. Wait. Let me stop. Marvin is singing. Marvin said ‘It doesn’t matter what I did for He only sees me for who I am’. Okay, Marvin. I got you. God loves us in spite of ourselves. Although He loves us doesn’t negate our responsibility to do better once we know better. Okay, wait. Steve is crying again. He should be crying. I would be crying to. We all fall short of the glory but guess what? We get up and keep trying. I hope he remembers that during his next performance. Pray for him. Oh, and pray for those shoes his wife had one. I cant decide how I feel about them. Hmmmm.

Donald Lawrence ends the show with be reminding us to get back to Eden. Now, I have thought about that. Eden was good for a while but I need to know what part of Eden we will be going back to. I want to go pre-Eve vs Serpent Eden. You can keep that ‘post-serpent’ Eden. Okay, I am done good people. The show was good. Yolanda and sisters brought sexy back, Kelly Price reminded us she still has it, BeBe & CeCe kept it holy, Pastor Shirley took us to church, Steve didn’t cuss, and at the very end..when everything seemed okay…Steve cried again!

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