Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Randomness v1

Sometimes I wonder if people really care. I mean, go to any church. There can be thousands of people there or just a few. No matter the number, we all say we love God. We all say without Him we couldnt make it. Some of us church so much we have our own language. We say things like:
  • slain
  • abba
  • shondo
  • hiya
  • mercibocuyeslord
  • didnt our hearts just burn
Truthfully, I know heart burn and it's not a good thing.

Anyway, back to my original point. I often wonder if the people sitting beside me have a fear of  hell as I do. I fear hell. I am not afraid to say it. As much craziness as I do, say, and watch on TV, I fear hell. I wonder if the people sitting around me live their life with a good healthy fear of going to hell. I wonder if they consider the consequences of hell in their words and actions.

Lets break this down:

Every weekend millions of people go to church. Millions of people testify about the goodness of God. Millions of people take communion. Millions have Mass. Millions pray Hail Mary. Thousands run up and down the aisle praising God for His goodness. Millions pray for God to move in their lives, families, workplaces, and even the world. I mean MILLIONS each and every weekend.

Yet. When I turn on the television, computer, and even the radio, what I hear and see does not line up with our weekend activities. I mean. Well. Let me say this. If anyone is offended by this I truly don't care. These are my thoughts. Now. This is what I don't get. How can a person partake in such spiritual and anointed weekend activities, pray, praise, believe, ask, receive, etc and then take no shame in sin? Now, some may ask 'what is sin'. I believe sin is anything that 'could' separate us from God. Not the love of God. But God. God will love us in spite of our situations but He does not love what we DO.

I dont get how a person can on one day sing the praises of God. Scream hallelujah and praise the Lord and then turn around and cuss like they never knew right from wrong. How does that happen? Does it happen because there is no real fear of God?

Okay, let me try another one. How can we do our weekend activities and have routine sex with a person we are not married to?

No, what about this one... How can we do our weekend activities and constantly backstab the people around us?

I mean, I am just thinking to myself....I laugh a lot. I say funny stuff. In all I do, it is NEVER my desire to hurt another person. It is never my desire to live in a way to discourage another. It is never my desire to see the kingdom suffer. I make mistakes. I don't study my bible as much as I should. I procrastinate about so much. I know I watch too much television and truly am on the internet too much. These are the things I am yet battling. We all have battles and we all have troubles and struggles. But my question is..when is it too much? When do our struggles and battles become to great they start to identify us? What separates us from the world? I mean, if someone needed prayer, can they look our our lifestyle and believe we are a person who believe and practice our belief and trust in God?

My heart hurts for God's people. I truly do not believe God ask for much from us. He wants us to love each other and love Him. He wants us to live holy and separate from sin. Why do we struggle with this so much when we know the consequences?

Philippians 2:12 says Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

This indicates it takes work for us to live holy. Just as with a job, we dont get it right unless we practice it. If we only go to church as a routine or tradition, but do not use it as a manual or guide for our life, what are we really living? Well. I will keep posting until He gives me some do otherwise...or some answers...

Just thoughts..

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