Sunday, October 24, 2010

I see you.

When I see you I hurt. Not because you are ugly to me but because you are ugly to yourself. I hurt because your heart hurts. Not because it is diseased but because you welcomed people into the sacredness of your heart and they didn't cherish their presence there. I hurt because your eyes are tired. Not from enjoying a full day of laughs but from suffering through a full night of ridicule and judgement. I hurt because your muscles are tight and pained. Not from a great workout but from stress, tension, and yes, even a hit or two. Yes, I see beyond the forced smile. I see beyond the lies about your great weekend. I see beyond the excuses of you being too busy to enjoy a girls night out. I see beyond this mental escape you have created for yourself. I see beyond you. Stop. Take a moment and see what I see. See you walking into a place of peace. See your home being your sanctuary, not your prison. See your eyes being filled with tears because of the overwhelming amount of love cast in your direction, not because of the overwhelming desire to please someone not interested in being pleased by you. See your body being relaxed enough to curl up on the couch to enjoy a program you want to see, not tense from sitting through yet another episode of something you don't understand.

Look in my mirror. Look at what the world sees. Look at what your children see. Look at what your students, cousins, and yes, even your parents see. The mirror is speaking back to you today. What is this mirror saying? Listen for it. Don't run away because it is painful. Pain got you to this point and yes, pain will give you the strength to get out. You need to hear this. Are you ready? Take a deep breath. Here we go. Here the mirror speak these words to you..

You are beautiful. You are worthy to be loved, cared for, and respected. You are beautifully made. Every hair on your head was created by a wonderful Creator who loves you and desires nothing more than for you to be happy. You are strong. You are a survivor. You are independent. You can make it. You are able. You are loved. You are ENOUGH.

The mirror will continue speaking love into your life as long as you are willing to listen. The decision is yours. Will you trust yourself? Will you believe in yourself?

We are waiting for you.

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