Sunday, January 2, 2011

Learn the lesson

I believe in every event there is a lesson we can learn. We should not have to make all the mistakes or have all the successes to learn from an experience.

I remember in 2004 during Superbowl XXXVIII the world watched as Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction. A breast was exposed. Not even a breast. A nipple. People talked for months about this. The situation ended with a $500,000 fine for CBS. Janet was asked to apologize and make a statement.

Lesson learned: When the world sees your nakedness, they are not prepared and thus it becomes an issue on how to deal with it. When we are honest in an dishonest environment our intentions are challenged. People attempt to assess the damages without accepting the truth. Us, in our essence, is beautiful and pure. No one would be forced to pay for being open.

On September 11, 2001 a tragic, unimaginable event changed the world. How could someone dare attack the United States on US soil? Did they not know who we are? I mean, really! We are the United States of America. Who cares that we bomb and attack people on their soil? Who cares that our nation is racist, sexist, and education is so poor more people are dropping out than going to college? None of that matters. We are THE super power of THE world.

Lesson learned: When we allow ourselves to believe we are untouchable our fall is that much greater. No one is untouchable. No one is indestructible. While we are fearless, we should be just as prepared. Never allow your position, status, rank, or title to determine your worth. You are only as worthy as you are vincible.

In August 2005 Hurricane Katrina became a world known name. Almost two thousand people were killed and/or murdered. The government went into chaos and collapsed within itself while people and animals died.

Lesson learned: Life and death can be determined by your bank account. 99% of the people who died during Hurricane Katrina did not have the financial means to pack up their lives and relocate to a safer place. There was, and continues to be, the haves and the have nots. The have nots died. Waiting. On the haves. Who were busy fighting over money. Life and death was determined by bank accounts.

On November 4, 2008 Barack Hussein Obama II became the first African-American President of the United States of America.

Lesson learned: People are desperate for something different. Hatred is still alive in the United States of America. God is able to make your enemies your footstool.

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