Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Because of You

What an humble experience to recognize we are nothing. Our existence on this earth is meaningless. Our ability to even talk, think, reason, love, care, or breathe does not exist within our own control. We are an object created by hands beyond what we can see or feel. We are dependent on on Creator for everything. In Him do we breathe. In Him do we speak. In Him do we walk. In Him do we think. In Him do we reason. Our breath is not possible without His touch. Our very ability to take one breathe in or out depends on a force beyond us. Our very ability to speak depends on Him. To even know words and understand their meaning is His daily and constant miracle. So many exist in this world without the ability to understand words. So many exist without the ability to reason or make decisions. So many depend on artificial objects to assist them in breathing. But in Him we have this ability. He gives us the ability to awake each morning. Who did not awake? Who went to bed thinking they would be able to start over the next day..but the next day never came? How grateful we are to see another day! To see another moment! This was not promised to us. There is no guarantee we will see another day. Of course our existent in each day is not because we are so good. Oh no. No way could that be the reason. How many times a day is our life in opposition to Him? How many words do we speak in anger? How many words do we speak against another person, animal, or situation? How many thoughts do we have that do not align with Him presence in our life? Thank you, Father, for not using our lives to determine our presence in tomorrow. Thank You for grace. Thank You for another opportunity to serve You. Another opportunity to breathe. Another opportunity to see. Another opportunity to walk. How precious is the gift of walking! So many are not able to perform this function. It is not simple. Your brain must be aligned with your limbs and your limbs must be aligned with your muscles. How many are diseased and not able to walk! How many have been afflicated by the ills of violence and are without limbs! So many. But, because of His grace, not all of us. And those without this ability continue to live in His grace even the more. How much determination it must take to continue to believe through such adversity. Bless them, Father! Today we recognize because You we are able to live. We are able to breathe, see, speak, think, reason, and more than anything, we are able to love. Father, we thank You for giving us the miracle of breathe without even having to think of it. Thank You for allowing us to recognize jumbled letters as words. We do not take this for granted. We do not take You for granted. Your presence in our lives is awesome. We welcome You. We repent for for always recognizing it is because of Your presence that we live. Father, continue to remind us of who You are. Continue to reveal Yourself to us. Continue to reveal our true selves to even us. All those things we see inside us that do not represent You..we command they be remove from our surroundings and cast into the pits of hell never to return again. Thank You for being You. Amen.

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