Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Goals

I started this on Facebook already but since I am making a new commitment to blogging, it should be here as well.

I am starting 2010 with goals. My goals are accomplish-able and only require dedication from me. I invite everyone to participate in my goals. If you have a goal you believe I should accomplish, post it. I will decide to accept the challenge or not. I will be updating this blog as goals are accomplished or added. At the end of 2010, I will review my list and take pride in my achievements.

Here is the list so far:

1. Open a savings account
2. Save at least $1200 (not including 401k)
3. Take a vacation somewhere other than Cedartown or Kansas City
4. Start a new wardrobe (buy something new every other month and discard something every other month)
5. Lose 50 pounds
6. Go to someone's house for dinner (they must cook entire meal)
7. Start a scrapbook (from Mario)
8. Write a poem and perform at Lyric Cafe (from Mario)
9. Beat Clarence at a video game (from Mario)
10. Prepare one meal a week
11. Blog at least once a week
12. Start a gratitude journal
13. Take a vacation day once a quarter (without accessing Blackberry or laptop)

1 comment:

  1. 14. Let Clarence be who Clarence is without trying to change Clarence :)
