Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lessons from the road

It's been a while since I posted a blog. It's been a crazy month. I have 4 out of the last 8 weeks traveling for business. I did learn a lot while I was away.

  • Absence does not make the heart grow fonder. It makes the heart grow lonely.
  • It is possible to tire of fancy food. After 2 weeks of eating whatever you want, no matter the cost, you long for greens, corn bread, and even a turkey sandwich on Sara Lee bread.
  • The nice hotel can make you smile. There is nothing like coming back from a 10 hour day of work to find your incense already lit, the air conditioner on your favorite setting, your bathroom counter clear of clutter and your bathroom awaiting on the bed.
  • When you don't have to pay for gas, it's easy to fill up the tank. LOL
  • When you work around new people you might not ever see again, it's really easy to be honest. Even if it hurts.
  • The hotel room was 500 square feet. It had a kitchen, bedroom, kitchen table, and living room. Some people pay $1 million dollars for that. C'mon smart people. Don't do it!
  • If the weather man says rain for a week, wear a pony tail. Give up. It's not worth the extra time.
  • The grass is not greener on the other side. If someone thinks the grass is greener, they need to check because they are wearing someone else's glasses.
  • When you are going to be away from home for three weeks, pack more than a week's worth of clothes.
  • Juice is better than soda any day.
  • When you call your spouse and both of you just listen to each other work without saying a word, but hold the phone, it's time to go home!
  • Having two LED tvs within 1 feet of each other but only 5 HD channels is a WASTE OF PLASTIC!
  • Going to Wal-mart every night can be an adventure. There are strange people out at night. Like, really really really strange people. Like, for real. Strange. Like, you have NEVER seen people like that before.
  • When you haven't driven much in 4 years, 4 weeks of driving can send a person over the edge.
  • Do not stop at gas stations if there is not a McDonalds around. It's probably a very small town where the population is all white and the most common occupation is agriculture. Yeah, they stop and look when a Black woman with an afro blasting gospel music pulls up. Stops. Looks around. Puts car in reverse. Heads to next exit. Yeah. I am not the one. Well, actually. I AM THAT ONE.
  • It's time to go home when the housekeepers at the hotel start teaching you spanish so the conversation can be better.
  • If anyone ever has to stay away from home for a long time, stay at Homewood Suites. Free breakfast and free dinner. Yeah, even if you never get to experience it because you work 10 hours. Just good to know they care.
  • Living in Atlanta is not worth the rush hour traffic.
  • Living in Atlanta is worth the worship experience. Thanks Dream Center Church. It was awesome.

....and last but not least, It's good to be home.

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