Sunday, August 9, 2009

Celebrate life!

I am so excited about my birthday. I am excited every birthday. When I tell people how old I am, they are shocked I am excited about getting older. When I turned 30, I made sure everyone knew. Turning 31 and 32 were no different. Why should I change for 33? I often wonder why people are afraid of embracing age. Age is a beautiful thing. Consider the alternative.

My childhood was a blessing. I was surrounded by my grandmother for most if it. I know everyone loves their grandmother, however, I am bias. Lena S. H. Taylor is the best grandmother created on earth (you have a right to disagree). She taught me patience, humility, humbleness, and quiet strength. She never said much in the open but would talk about God, blessing, holiness, and family love all day. Either I lived with her or she lived with me most of first 18 years of my life. I believe we shared a bond unlike any others she or I shared with others.

As I traveled on in life, my 20s were met with DRAMA! At 23, I had a stroke. Well, that's what the doctors called it. I woke up one day with little eye sight. I went through some crazy surgeries and a stay in ICU. To God be the glory, I am yet alive with partial sight. It could have been so much worst. I survived that, a few relationships, and many jobs.

I have made plenty of crazy decisions in my life. I have done some crazy things. No matter how crazy I thought them to be, I have met people who have made life changing decisions. Some things people have been through are mind blowing. I have met people who have been rejected by their families, people who have lost loved ones to drugs, disease, and crime. I have met people who have experienced more before the age of 10 than most of us have experienced to date. The point is, I have met them. They are survivors. I celebrate their life with my life. We have an internal fighter inside us. The fighter inside us refuses to allow us to hide in the darkness of sin. This fighter keeps us alive. This fighter keeps our mind while everything in us says to go crazy.

Some people struggle with celebrating life when they are unable to create life. When Clarence and I were married, everyone started asking about kids. You know, people should really think before they ask questions. Most of the world assumes having kids is as easy as having sex. I guess it would seem to be so with the number of children created in the world, however, it is not so. The first time the doctors advised children may not be in my future, my mind immediately went to all the friends, family members, associates, etc who have children or aborted children they didn't plan or want. I started to actually get upset and feel they didn't deserve their kids. Note: All is well. I have repented. I know children are a blessing no matter who the parent is :)

Infertility is emotional! Some woman say it feels like a death of a child they always dreamed of having. Some say it’s a feeling of loss. Some are angry at life, mothers, and even children. It’s a silent hurt. I have met some people who hurt and long so much for a child they can’t celebrate the birth of children. They avoid places with children. It’s a lesson to us all. Never assume to know what another person is going through.

I am sure everyone has seen the many news stories where women steal babies and even kill the birth mothers. That is a rare extremity. Infertility does hurt, but it won't kill you (and it's not suppose to kill anyone else). I embrace celebrating life. I celebrate life because it is precious. Not everyone can create life but everyone can celebrate it. I am not angry, depressed, nor jealous of those who can create life. Hey, maybe someone will create life for me one day!

33 years in the world is 33 years of life lessons. 33 is a master number. 33 is powerful. 33 is a force to be reckoned with. I gave God back His words. 2 Corinthians 2:9 says “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him". Because I love Him, I know all will work out for the good!

I will forever celebrate life. No matter the number, God is still a provider. I am excited about 33 and I will be excited about 34, 35, 36...... I celebrate life because THINGS COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT!

But God!

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