Wednesday, January 19, 2011

American Idol. v1

Okay. Is it me or does anyone else not care about these new judges. Oh. I am speaking of the American Idol judges of course. Randy is back. Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are introduced next. If you are like me, I am thinking, BRING ON THE AUDITIONS. It’s the 10th season so this much be good. It is a requirement, not a recommendation. Steven Tyler sold 150 albums. Jennifer Lopez sound 55 millions records. Does anyone know the difference between an album and a record. I will check later.I don’t know one song Steven Tyler sings but I believe there will be a lot of cursing and laughter this season. Oh,Jimmy Iovine is on the scene also. Did Clive Davis give up this season?

Okay, it’s time for the auditions.

Rachel Zevita singing Hallelujah. She didn’t do well. She did better in Season 6. They are wrong for wasting a spot with her. Not a winner but she does have a pretty face.

Caleb Hawley. I want to sing him home just on looks but he can actually sing.

Kenzie Palmer. She can sing but I don’t like her.

Achille Lovle. I know she is from the Ivory Coast but couldn’t she learn a song in English. Why are they even thinking about this. Just move on.

Tiffany Rios. The girl with the stars on her ta-tas. Oh my. Did she just start the ugly cry when she saw Jennifer? And she is singing a song she ‘made up’? LOL Next. Oh, that note. Is not of God. She has another song. She can actually sing.

The dude with the perm. Looks like an Iraqi who had an affair with a Black soldier. Yeah. No.

Robbie Rosen (was in a wheelchair when he was in kindergarden). I love the song (Yesterday) and he can sing. I can see him in the top 20.

Okay. So they are going to commercial and this girl falls down the stairs. Then she becomes a puppy and crawls across the sidewalk. I am trying to fastforward to see what happened. But in the midst of fastforward I see the Asian Michael Jackson. I stop. Its not Michael Jackson. Its Miley Cyrus. Really? How do you mixt the two? This is the funniest thing on the entire show all night. Seriously. You cannot make this stuff up. This dude is fa serious doing Michael Jackson to Miley Cyrus.

Okay, I am back to fastforwarding. I really want to see this chick fall again. I know. Crazy.

Wait. I stop on Brielle Von Hugel. She catches my attention. She is singing my song and she seems okay but I cant see myself downloading her music on iTunes. I like when Steven Tyler likes someone. He is almost speechless.

Travis Orlando. His story is heartbreaking. He lived in a shelter and his dad was sick. When he said he would see the moving trucks come back and hope they were for him. Tear. I don’t care if he can sing. Can someone give him some money or something? Oh, he can sing! He gets to sing two songs. And both are great. Dang, he probably wont win but I want him to. Can I vote now? Oh. His mother just pushed me over the top. He needs this so much. Oh, I want him to win. Okay America. We gotta start a campaign or something. They said 51 are off to Hollywood but I just need Travis to get a break. I am with Ryan. TEARS!!!

But wait. What happened to the chick who fell down the stairs? Did I fastforward past her? Dang. I am not going back. So. From my house to yours. Rita. Out.

This tip is for You

I bless God for His revelations. He is showing me who I am. It is not about others. In order for me to minister and be effective I first must be aligned with His purpose.

I do not know anyone who does not frequent restaurants at least once a month. Everyone I know enjoys an occasional dinner or lunch without having to prepare the meal. When we visit such an establishment it is customary, and in some places required, the server or servers are tipped. We give them money outside of the price of our meal. Even when we visit a salon for a hairstyle or haircut, we usually tip the stylist. It is even customary for a preacher to be given a 'tip' or additional offering for performing weddings and other services outside his or her normal duties. Why do we tip people for doing their job? Why do we tip a server at a restaurant for taking my ordering and bring my food? Oh yes, and keeping my glass full of my chosen beverage? Is this not why they are there? Isn't a stylist at a salon to cut and style hair? If they were not why are they there? What makes them deserve this additional "payment"?

God gives us life. He enables us to breathe, see, think, hear, walk, and even enables our heart to beat. He enables our ability to speak, reason, understand, and yes, even type. Because of our ability that He has given us, we are able to have jobs and provide for ourselves and others. Because of His presence in our lives we love and receive love from others. Does He have a requirement to do these things? No. Is it His job to make us breathe, see, and think? Does He have to do these things? No. At any moment He can remove His hand from our lives? I mean, really, think about it. Are we worthy of such attention? What makes us better than the one who cannot breathe without help? What makes us better than the one who has a chemical imbalance and is not able to reason or think clearly? Do our abilities make us better than those who are different? No. Do we have the same challenges they do? No.

God blesses us with life. He gives us the essence of life with His love. And yet, we struggle to recognize Him for it. The bible states we should give him a tenth of our income. In most restaurants the tip is fifteen to twenty percent. God requires ten percent. And we struggle to be obedient. We say if we give Him that amount out of ALL of our income we would lack in other areas. I have noticed the same amounts we are afraid to give Him are used for pleasure items (restaurants, excess clothes, music, apps, video games, excess shoes, hair appointments, nail appointments, etc). Are these necessary items? No. Is God a necessary item? Yes!

God. I repent for taking advantage of Your presence in my life. I repent for not putting my faith into action. I repent for allowing fear to cloud my judgment. Thank You for Your patience. In Jesus name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Because of You

What an humble experience to recognize we are nothing. Our existence on this earth is meaningless. Our ability to even talk, think, reason, love, care, or breathe does not exist within our own control. We are an object created by hands beyond what we can see or feel. We are dependent on on Creator for everything. In Him do we breathe. In Him do we speak. In Him do we walk. In Him do we think. In Him do we reason. Our breath is not possible without His touch. Our very ability to take one breathe in or out depends on a force beyond us. Our very ability to speak depends on Him. To even know words and understand their meaning is His daily and constant miracle. So many exist in this world without the ability to understand words. So many exist without the ability to reason or make decisions. So many depend on artificial objects to assist them in breathing. But in Him we have this ability. He gives us the ability to awake each morning. Who did not awake? Who went to bed thinking they would be able to start over the next day..but the next day never came? How grateful we are to see another day! To see another moment! This was not promised to us. There is no guarantee we will see another day. Of course our existent in each day is not because we are so good. Oh no. No way could that be the reason. How many times a day is our life in opposition to Him? How many words do we speak in anger? How many words do we speak against another person, animal, or situation? How many thoughts do we have that do not align with Him presence in our life? Thank you, Father, for not using our lives to determine our presence in tomorrow. Thank You for grace. Thank You for another opportunity to serve You. Another opportunity to breathe. Another opportunity to see. Another opportunity to walk. How precious is the gift of walking! So many are not able to perform this function. It is not simple. Your brain must be aligned with your limbs and your limbs must be aligned with your muscles. How many are diseased and not able to walk! How many have been afflicated by the ills of violence and are without limbs! So many. But, because of His grace, not all of us. And those without this ability continue to live in His grace even the more. How much determination it must take to continue to believe through such adversity. Bless them, Father! Today we recognize because You we are able to live. We are able to breathe, see, speak, think, reason, and more than anything, we are able to love. Father, we thank You for giving us the miracle of breathe without even having to think of it. Thank You for allowing us to recognize jumbled letters as words. We do not take this for granted. We do not take You for granted. Your presence in our lives is awesome. We welcome You. We repent for for always recognizing it is because of Your presence that we live. Father, continue to remind us of who You are. Continue to reveal Yourself to us. Continue to reveal our true selves to even us. All those things we see inside us that do not represent You..we command they be remove from our surroundings and cast into the pits of hell never to return again. Thank You for being You. Amen.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Open...under construction

I sit in the seat of honesty. I am an open book. The door to my heart is open. The window to my soul is bare. My spirit has the green light. My eyes are focused. I have and have had many faults. In myself. Of myself. Caused by myself. Some faults were created as a bridge for others to cross safely. Sometimes I lowered myself so someone else could be seen. Sometimes I stepped back to give the spotlight to another. Did they always deserve it? No, they never deserved it. I am worthy of the spotlight. I am worthy of being seen. Did I learn from these experiences? Yes! I do not believe any experience is without a lesson.

Learn the lesson

I believe in every event there is a lesson we can learn. We should not have to make all the mistakes or have all the successes to learn from an experience.

I remember in 2004 during Superbowl XXXVIII the world watched as Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction. A breast was exposed. Not even a breast. A nipple. People talked for months about this. The situation ended with a $500,000 fine for CBS. Janet was asked to apologize and make a statement.

Lesson learned: When the world sees your nakedness, they are not prepared and thus it becomes an issue on how to deal with it. When we are honest in an dishonest environment our intentions are challenged. People attempt to assess the damages without accepting the truth. Us, in our essence, is beautiful and pure. No one would be forced to pay for being open.

On September 11, 2001 a tragic, unimaginable event changed the world. How could someone dare attack the United States on US soil? Did they not know who we are? I mean, really! We are the United States of America. Who cares that we bomb and attack people on their soil? Who cares that our nation is racist, sexist, and education is so poor more people are dropping out than going to college? None of that matters. We are THE super power of THE world.

Lesson learned: When we allow ourselves to believe we are untouchable our fall is that much greater. No one is untouchable. No one is indestructible. While we are fearless, we should be just as prepared. Never allow your position, status, rank, or title to determine your worth. You are only as worthy as you are vincible.

In August 2005 Hurricane Katrina became a world known name. Almost two thousand people were killed and/or murdered. The government went into chaos and collapsed within itself while people and animals died.

Lesson learned: Life and death can be determined by your bank account. 99% of the people who died during Hurricane Katrina did not have the financial means to pack up their lives and relocate to a safer place. There was, and continues to be, the haves and the have nots. The have nots died. Waiting. On the haves. Who were busy fighting over money. Life and death was determined by bank accounts.

On November 4, 2008 Barack Hussein Obama II became the first African-American President of the United States of America.

Lesson learned: People are desperate for something different. Hatred is still alive in the United States of America. God is able to make your enemies your footstool.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What is the highest praise to God?

For years we have heard that HALLELUJAH is the highest praise. After coming through the bible, I was unable to find evidence as this being truth. I found the word 'alleluia' only referenced in the bible four times. And they were all in Revelations.

Rev 19: 1 And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

Rev 19: 3 And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.

Rev 19:4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.

Rev 19: 6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
It comes from the greek word halal which means to praise or glorify.

BUT, in Nehemiah it says Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever and ever: and blessed be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.

The glorious name is Jesus. If Jesus is the glorious name that is to be exalted about all other blessings and praise, this means JESUS is the highest praise.

For Colored Girls, pt 1

Five things you need to know about Tyler Perry's For Colored Girls:

  1. It's based off a book of poems.
  2. It's not for entertainment.
  3. It's truth.
  4. It's not against men.
  5. It's a mirror for 'some' women.